Choose Programming or Blogging ?

First, i want to tell you something about me, my life are full with computers and stuff. But my life most likely for computer especially programming. Thats why i’m taking college in IT major but more Information System.

Let me tell you why i’ve been confused with title story for this time, its because that i’m in this blogging competition that my college had invitation from govern. The competition its about writing a blog with special topics its called iJakarta – i will tell you about iJakarta tomorrow. Yesterday (July 28, 2016) i ‘ve been asked from library office near Gandaria City that they’re were organized for the competition to have a technical meeting. It came nice when i arrived there,  i’ve met new friend, his name is Angga Adi Widodo – he is an amazing blogger his writing skills its genius. Wait for the part i met one of the jury – She is a famous blogger in this town and she knew about that Angga is a blogger and i was like waw (aku mah apa tuh cuman ngerti bahasa program). And the technical meeting end in half an hour then i realized something that “can i do this ?” i mean the only one who represent from my University and i’m headed with the bloggers ? really ? i don’t know i can do it tho.

Then i went back home, i just thinking what should i do for competition. And i ended up finishing my web program and i realized i just love program codes rather then writing but whether writing its good too for us to increase our brain to think for words and imagination plus experience of writing skills on blog of course. To be a programmer or blogger you can make money from them (if you have those skills).

For now, i’m still stick with programming but i will try to be a blogger begginer  😀

P.S : sorry for the mistake grammars i’m an Indonesian but i want to the word know my story even tho its so difficult to understand, LOL!

oh yeah i need your opinion about your skills would be, check this!

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