Ashton Irwin


Ashton Fletcher Irwin (born July 7, 1994) , the last piece to the 5SOS puzzle, grew up with his mom and two younger siblings, Lauren and Harry, and a dog named Indie. His father left the family when he was a toddler.

In school, Ashton took acting classes and was part of the swimteam, but quit when he was fourteen. Ashton actually used to cut swim practice to play in his first two bands, Swallow the Goldfish and Stuck in Reverse.

Ashton loved bands like Green Day and Blink 182 from a young age. He first learned to play the drums from his mom’s boyfriend, who let him play for a bit with his band every Saturday at a pub. On top of the drums, he’s able to play the guitar, saxaphone, and the piano.

Ashton was added to the band when the boys needed a drummer for an upcoming show. With that, he completed 5SOS.

Ashton has a happy and loving personality that makes all fans adore him. You can almost always find Ashton smiling. He’s known for making the bands Keek videos and tweeting lots of pictures for the fans to enjoy.

Source : 5SOSOnline

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